FTFP 8 – Will The Real Adult Autism Doctor Please Stand Up?

Fixing The Fixerpunk covers ideas about changing yourself and society from my own self-development process.
Insights from this episode:

– The Struggle to Find Adult Autism Doctors and Therapists

– You have to talk about systemic issues to work on personal development effectively!
– Resources matter and drive success in personal development, whether that is mental health, physical health, fitness, etc.
– When the resources needed for a specific community are not accessible, then you have a problem
– Capitalism often keeps the resources from those who most need it, when those who need it less can get it easier
– Why funders must listen to the communities their programs serve before investing in resources
– The need for truly specialized, accessible mental health care
– Why more mental health treatment, especially from the existing publicly funded systems or Medicaid providers, is NOT the answer for homelessness, and may not even help their specific mental health issues
– Publicly run and managed care systems use inexperienced mental health providers. You don’t hand someone with severe physical trauma to a physician assistant, you shouldn’t do the same with mental health.
– Binge eating with Autism, ADHD, and post-concussion syndrome
– Difficulty sticking to a diet with Autism and impulse control issues
– Progress in self-improvement and fitness takes longer for those with lower socioeconomic status and mental health issues.
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CM Punk’s Heel Turn + Feud with Adam Page: Alternative Culture, Values, and Selling Out

FULL ANALYSIS UP NOW on Pro Wrestling Musings 

I explain how the CM Punk and Adam Page feud as well as Punk’s heel turn are driven by differences in ethical approaches as it comes to leadership as well as the lessons from this story for cultural and social movement leaders. Adam Page sticks by his values and the true culture of his movement, not by the culture of the good old boy’s club or how things have always been done, does what is right regardless of allegiances, and he is not afraid to call out people who have let “the world get into” them. CM Punk is a legacy leader who may have forgotten his punk values along the climb to success and may be letting the past get in the way of his ethical thinking. This may be as true in kayfabe as outside of it.

My past analyses on ProWrestlingMusings.com:


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