FTFP 14 – Standing Tall and Not Backing Down Amidst Manufactured Crisis

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Fixing The Fixerpunk episodes cover ideas about changing yourself and society from my own self-development process. These are generally far more unstructured episodes.


The inspiration for the title of today’s episode comes from Brandon Cutler’s quote from his match against Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli of the Blackpool Combat Club: “What do you do when the people that stand up to bullies aren’t here anymore? You Stand Tall, You Don’t Back Down, and You Be Elite!” I feel these words are very instructive amidst the manufactured debt ceiling crisis, created by Congressional Republican bullies (whom I will term the Black Pill Combat Club, get it?) who are holding the world economy hostage. I likewise feel they are applicable as pressures from the economic situation and a variety of manufactured crises are being applied to distract and intimidate workers seeking better conditions and a more equitable economy, and to those advocating for changes to create a better society through public investments in our social safety net, clean energy, and other programs that are being put on the chopping block.


  • TikTok Live coming soon? http://TikTok.com/@fixerpunk
  • The goal of the livestream is to help others through their journeys
  • Key principle: Everything takes longer than it should
  • Our idea of self improvement is based on that people know instinctively what they should do, and it’s the lack of resources more often that stops them from doing it, judgment and authoritarian ideas don’t help
  • One important “rule”: As soon as you see something go wrong, do not let it linger without taking care of it
  • Why this podcast has gotten deeper into politics
  • We need to address the systemic issues and crises that prevent people from reaching their potential
  • People are struggling out there, but we have to take time away to deal with contrived problems made up by people who want to oppress other people
  • We get distracted by random crises, pathological or not, in our lives too
  • A lot of today’s politics, especially with the GOP controlling the narrative, is fake issues designed to distract and take back progress
  • COVID pandemic created astonishing progress around actually helping people economically
  • Lots of people’s economic situations improved due to relief programs
  • Even low-wage jobs started treating people better
  • From this foundation, maybe now we have a chance to start building a better world.
  • This debt ceiling situation is designed to get you to believe that our chance to create a more economically just world with less inequality is no longer possible and that your leverage against oppressive bosses is gone.
  • Remember what your purpose and intention really is before you sell yourself short
  • Very carefully define what an “opportunity” is to you so you don’t define the scraps they give you in a crisis as your purpose and goal
  • My purpose is to advocate for others and find solutions to our economic and political state for those who have been oppressed can reach their full potential
  • The false “wisdom” around economic talks
  • What Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara can teach us about purpose, bad advice about “playing it safe,” and not selling out when given false “opportunity”
  • Sammy Guevara retweeted me!
  • Going beyond what others expect of you,
  • listening to others can keep you stuck and not achieving your dreams
  • There is practicality, reality, and time that need to be considered
  • Having some fun before it all crumbles down
  • Getting preoccupied with your worries when you are supposed to be having fun
  • The Superkick Party Ahead of the Apocalypse
  • Have fun responsibly and it can give you hope, it will help you know why you are doing all that hard work
  • You have to know why you are putting yourself through the suffering and pain of whatever effort you are putting in
  • If you lose sight of what will make you feel good, you won’t want to do the hard work
  • Stagnated in the area of fitness, not feeling as motivated about summer as I expected
  • Enrolled in a fitness challenge, still not motivated around diet and dropping fat
  • Being consistent in the gym, getting stronger though
  • Building a tolerance to dopamine
  • My key nutrition strategy has been substituting unhealthy foods for healthier, similar ones with protein and fiber
  • Have a ton of healthier snacks and junk food substitutes like Skinny Pop popcorn, Fiber One 70 calorie brownies, Quest frosted cookies, Chobani zero sugar yogurt, etc.
  • You have to understand where your body has a limit and isn’t in tune with your goals. No matter what motivation you have, it might just not go.
  • Have I weakened myself inadvertently? Hard to tell when you can push yourself more
  • Hard to get experts in coaching for achievement and goals with neurodivergence
  • Many are not economically able or socially discouraged to seek expert help
  • Detecting scams and frauds. Maybe a new topic for the show?
  • Your personal life and household tasks can be a bit too inefficient
  • Find solutions that work for you
  • Am I using too many of my resources on things that don’t matter?
  • It’s okay to do things that you like even if others don’t get it
  • When you are not able to be yourself, you won’t perform well
  • Employers try to motivate with shock, anger, threats, and micromanagement, but that doesn’t work, especially long-term
  • Employers’ motivational tactics won’t work if you are economically deprived and not being compensated well.
  • “Shut up and go back to work” people don’t realize that this shame and force doesn’t create productivity or performance.
  • Compensation, respect, and purpose create productivity
  • The world’s leading high performance experts have moved to a 4 day work week, because they know it improves performance
  • Standing up politically helps us to be better as we help others

Got questions or comments about this episode? Is there another political or social issue you’d like me to cover? Have you faced oppression, have a story about bad bosses, a corrupt company, or another injustice you want to vent or spread the word about? I’d love to hear from you. Call in and leave a voicemail any time, day or night, toll free at 844-477-PUNK (7865)

Or submit your question by email:




Off Speed Solutions provides strategy and consulting for advocacy communications, community engagement, day-to-day operational support, and media ecosystems. Proudly serving nonprofits, political organizations, individual advocates, media and content creators, and socially responsible enterprises. Learn more at http://www.offspeedsolutions.com


This content is for entertainment and general informational purposes only. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information herein. The viewer should not rely solely upon such and consult a competent professional before deciding to follow any course of action.


How Unions Can Help Solve The Student Debt Crisis and Skills Gap

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  • “Degree inflation” is a known major issue: https://www.tearthepaperceiling.org/the-paper-ceiling
  • Harvard study: 69% of jobs require a Bachelor’s degree or higher, 50% of workers don’t have one
  • 61% of employers have rejected an otherwise qualified  candidate because they didn’t have a degree
  • A caveat: one downside of emplovers opening up who they will hire is downward pressure on wages.
  • Employers keep asking for highly specific degrees, so it’s not really any Bachelor’s degree any more
  • Fast food and retail are the new American jobs, the default, where everyone will need to start or may regress to during economic hardships regardless of their career path. That is why we should care about making them quality jobs. They have replaced factory jobs.
  • Factory jobs used to serve as a way of bringing people into the middle class without high skills (employers would train them) or a degree, and this was made possible by unions.
  • WSJ: Employers getting way more selective for higher wage, white collar jobs: https://apple.news/AXW9of8HyS-eXWDJlfVCNxw
  • People being subjected to nine rounds of interviews, having to create entire marketing strategies and defending them like a thesis before these employers, and having to spend upwards of 20 hours on one employer’s interview process
  • Constant need for new, specific skills and technologies
  • People are going to keep having to go into debt every 10-15 years for master’s and doctorate degrees to be able to meet employers’ requirements. This is really adding to the student loan crisis.
  • Formal education should not have to play the role of job training. It provides the fundamental intellectual toolbox to learn and lead.
  • Unions have provided apprenticeships traditionally and digital training in modern days
  • But employers are like “what’s in it for me if they’ll just leave?” Hence they won’t offer training and just keep asking workers to pay for more and more education on their own.
  • Employer lock in agreements/TRAPs from coding boot camps and even now for PetSmart groomers are capitalism’s crappy solution.
  • Portability of union training vs employers promotes mobility instead of hindering it
  • Bargaining for student loan repayment assistance and tuition reimbursement

Got questions or comments about this episode? Is there another political or social issue you’d like me to cover? Have you faced oppression, have a story about bad bosses, a corrupt company, or another injustice you want to vent or spread the word about? I’d love to hear from you. Call in and leave a voicemail any time, day or night, toll free at 844-477-PUNK (7865)

Or submit your question by email:




Off Speed Solutions provides strategy and consulting for advocacy communications, community engagement, day-to-day operational support, and media ecosystems. Proudly serving nonprofits, political organizations, individual advocates, media and content creators, and socially responsible enterprises. Learn more at http://www.offspeedsolutions.com


This content is for entertainment and general informational purposes only. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information herein. The viewer should not rely solely upon such and consult a competent professional before deciding to follow any course of action.

Economists Say Wages Aren’t Causing Inflation, This Should Change Debt Ceiling Debate (but won’t)

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NPR interviewed a Federal Reserve economist and an economics professor from the University of Massachusetts who explain research that indicates profits are likely driving the majority of inflation, rather than workers demanding higher wages: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/11/1175487806/corporate-profit-price-spiral-wage-debate

Greedflation article from April: https://fortune.com/2023/04/05/end-of-capitalism-inflation-greedflation-societe-generale-corporate-profits/

  • Latest debt ceiling status: Meetings on Friday between leaders postponed in favor of staff members’ meeting
  • There is no wage-price spiral but rather a Profit-Price Spiral or Price-Price Spiral
  • Economist Isabella Weber of the University of Massachusetts says inflation = costs + profits, the profit part is what is moving inflation up, argues for price controls or windfall profit tax
  • I think windfall profits tax could help the government fiscal issues presented now more than spending cuts could
  • Work requirements and cuts to government spending, causing fear of layoffs, is to put downward pressure on wages and reduce demand overall (but that’s not necessary because that’s not the majority of the cause of inflation)
  • Central banks are shifting their policies too, UK Central Bank was asking workers to stop asking for raises, now is asking companies to stop raising prices
  • Fed economist Andrew Glover – Profits have always contributed to inflation after a recession, which we had in 2020
  • Profit growth accounts for more than half of 2021 inflation
  • Growth in markup not tied to demand
  • Companies anticipated inflation – expectation created reality
  • GOP policies are more about prejudice than economics – see the immigration bill, which restricts immigration, while immigration could fix a labor shortage.
  • McCarthy is not as economically ideological but could use economic tools as part of the party’s primary priority of oppressing outgroups
  • This is no longer about fiscal responsibility when it comes to the Republicans. Anti-woke banking laws related to not doing business with banks who restrict fossil fuel and firearms business could cost $300-500 million in interest to Texas taxpayers: https://apple.news/AmT33tQ1ZSVyEjZQKhu4KBw
  • So economic reality may matter less now than then, which may bode poorly for Dems seeking to avoid Medicaid work requirements, which is the item that is least likely for them to agree to and would have the direst consequences on vulnerable citizens


Got questions or comments about this episode? Is there another political or social issue you’d like me to cover? Have you faced oppression, have a story about bad bosses, a corrupt company, or another injustice you want to vent about or spread the word about? I’d love to hear from you. Call in and leave a voicemail any time, day or night, toll-free at 844-477-PUNK (7865)

Or submit your question by email:





Off Speed Solutions provides strategy and consulting for advocacy communications, community engagement, day-to-day operational support, and media ecosystems. Proudly serving nonprofits, political organizations, individual advocates, media and content creators, and socially responsible enterprises. Learn more at http://www.offspeedsolutions.com


This content is for entertainment and general informational purposes only. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information herein. The viewer should not rely solely upon such and consult a competent professional before deciding to follow any course of action.


Tips To Make Dealing With The Healthcare System A Bit Less Painful

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On this Advocacy Notes episode, I explain some of the most helpful lessons I’ve learned about dealing with the medical system in America while seeing multiple family members go through health issues over the past few months. Hopefully these tips will help you avoid unnecessary frustration and delays.


  • Send copies of all records that are needed and check ahead of time they are received
  • Many offices won’t take documents over email, so you may need to fax things. FaxZero.com is good for one time short faxes, but you may want something like eFax if you are going to be sending documents frequently to medical offices.
  • Keep printed orders for radiology and lab on hand if possible when you go for a test
  • Bring paper copies of records if you are not sure they have them
  • Check your lab or radiology orders and prescriptions before leaving the doctor’s office. They can make mistakes and it is easier to fix them on the spot.
  • Mind your timing generally
  • Everything takes longer than it should, from getting the authorization, to the appointment to the wait in the office, especially anything walk in – plan accordingly
  • Walk-in X-Rays/Radiology the same day of an appointment requires caution and maybe you should do it the day before
  • Ask about and follow up on authorizations
  • Know who to ask your questions to, where to ask, and when to ask.
  • Medical providers are super busy and often do not want to hear extraneous information or about things you are advocating for outside their specific role.
  • Keep a grievance form “in your back pocket.” Filing a written grievance can be a helpful tool but there are some instances where filing one could hurt your relationship with your doctor/provider.
  • Leverage and power dynamics in healthcare situations are different from other consumer situations
  • Grievances can be extremely helpful for billing issues. I explain more on grievances for excessive bills here: https://podcast.greysonpeltier.com/wp/2022/06/14/patient-advocacy-notes-dental-hmo-scams-and-how-to-resolve-most-health-insurance-disputes/
  • Keep in mind why you’re doing the treatment. What is the goal? What is the timeframe? Are we achieving what we set out to do?
  • Ask about medications ahead of time before a procedure or hospital discharge (and know when your pharmacy is open)
  • For longer term medications, local independent pharmacies often offer free delivery, which can make things a lot more convenient
  • Keep track of insurance deductibles, co-pays, and out of pocket maximums
  • Know timelines to apply for assistance programs that can save you more on your bill

Got questions or comments about this episode? Is there another political or social issue you’d like me to cover? Have you faced oppression, have a story about bad bosses, a corrupt company, or another injustice you want to vent or spread the word about? I’d love to hear from you. Call in and leave a voicemail any time, day or night, toll free at 844-477-PUNK (7865)

Or submit your question by email: greyson@offspeedsolutions.com

Off Speed Solutions provides strategy and consulting for advocacy communications, community engagement, day-to-day operational support, and media ecosystems. Proudly serving nonprofits, political organizations, individual advocates, media and content creators, and socially responsible enterprises. Learn more at http://www.offspeedsolutions.com


This content is for entertainment and general informational purposes only. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information herein. The viewer should not rely solely upon such and consult a competent professional before deciding to follow any course of action. If you have any medical or mental health concerns, please consult a qualified physician.


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